International Overdose Awareness Day- August 31st
End overdoses, remember without stigma those who have died, and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind. It's a time to remember and a time to act.
The goals of International Overdose Awareness Day are:
To provide an opportunity for people to publicly mourn loved ones in a safe environment, some for the first time without feeling guilt or shame.
To include the greatest number of people in International Overdose Awareness Day events, and encourage non-denominational involvement.
To give community members information about the issue of fatal and non-fatal overdose.
To send a strong message to current and former people who use drugs that they are valued.
To stimulate discussion about overdose prevention and drug policy.
To provide basic information on the range of support services that are available.
To prevent and reduce drug-related harm by supporting evidence-based policy and practice.
To inform people around the world about the risk of overdose.
I have been touched by the addictions of loved ones and I have lost loved ones to the use of drugs...
I REMEMBER and it's part of why I started on the journey I am currently on... It's why I teach nutrition and integrative therapies in recovery houses and rehabs along with why my practice is geared toward mental health- sobriety, depression, and anxiety.
It's a journey and one that needs a community for support ... no one should be alone on this journey!